
Well hello there!
I have officially gone into panic mode!

So much to do! So little time! I don’t know where the rest of the trimester has gone, but it’s flown under my nose!
So, trying not to fail, I have planned every moment of my life for the next week. Take a look:

kill me

Every bit that’s white on here is either travel time or sleeping time… or time for a meal. While preparing myself for the week ahead, I have realised I have a new spirit animal, and that spirit animal is Ron Weasley. Why you ask?
This is why.

ron 5 running

me running away from my problems

ron 7

me screaming because I don’t have time to eat

ron 4

me in a panic because I have so much to do

ron 3

me feeling a little sick from stress

ron 1

me crying

ron 2

me crying some more

ron 6

and finally, me looking at other people, crying out for help.

I feel like Ron and I share a lot on common. I have been making these faces for over a week now. I could also insert some more crying gifs but I wont, I don’t want to ruin my majestic Ron Weasley trend.

Today i’ve made some good progress I guess… and by good progress I mean editing things for a client video, then showing the client to see if she likes it, and her not liking anything I show her. So essentially, I have wasted a lot of time trying to achieve the look we agreed on, but not getting it right in her eyes. One day I will get there… one day…

i’ll blog again when i’ve got some positive news! (Which is hopefully soon)…
Back to work,

– D

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